Monday, September 1, 2008

Top 10 Banned Movies Of The World

The following are the Top 10 banned movies of the world:

1. 《索多瑪120天》salo, or the 120 days of sodom (1975)
2. 《操我》baise-moi (2000)
3. 《不可撤銷》 irreversible (2002)
4. 《羅馬帝國豔情史》caligola (1979)
5. 《感官世界》 ai no corrida (in the realm of the senses) (1976)
6. 《魔法聖嬰》the baby of macon (1993)
7. 《殺人不分左右》the last house on the left (1972)
8. 《迷上癮》 requiem for a dream (2000)
9. 《切膚只愛》oodishon (audition) (2000)
10.《我唾棄你的墳墓》i spit on your grave (1978)